The last day to file personal and C Corp (1120) tax returns is 15th April 2024. Please expedite your filings.

What Is Form 720? New Instructions For IRS Form 720 in 2021?

There are two types of taxes with legit enforcement in the United States of America: State Tax and Federal Tax. The categorical segregation of these taxes entails furtherance in form of Sales Tax and Excise Tax. Sales tax has legit enforcement on almost all the goods and items in the economic sphere.

But the excise tax is an additional tax due for the importers and exporters in the country. The additional excise tax on the goods or the services might be greater than the sales tax itself. The liability of such goods and services is validated for importers as well as exporters under Form 720.

What is Form 720?

Form 720 is validated for Excise Tax on particular goods and services. There is a list of goods and services that are enlisted by the Department of Treasury to particularize the excise tax in the best means possible. Form 720 is categorically introduced by the IRS on account of additional tax other than the sales tax on multifarious goods and services.

As per statistics, in 2017, the excise tax on a pack of cigarettes was only $2.00. However, with the revised policy on the Excise Tax, the excise duty on cigarettes was increased by $.87 unit on the same unit. At this moment, the contemporary excise tax on those same units of cigarettes is $2.87 after the revised policy.

Here are the enlisted goods & services.

  • Airline Ticket
  • Communication Services
  • Alcohol
  • Gasoline
  • Arrow & Bow
  • Tanning Products
  • Coal
  • New Terms introduced in 2021 are,
  • Excise Tax Holiday Expired
  • Arrow Shafts IRS 106
  • Air Transportation IRS 26
  • Air Facilitation IRS 27

These goods and services are precisely under the legit regularization for the Excise Tax in the United States of America. Any economic import and export being materialized on account of these goods and services under the legit validation of the Excise Tax. The newly rendered criterion for eligibility for Form 720 was recently issued by the IRS to draw explicit terms on the mentioned goods and services.

Air Transportation & Communication Services have also been included in the Excise tax net. Anyone collecting the tax on air transportation and communication falls under the vested excise legality. The major postulates to that newest form 720 update for a categorical explanation of eligibility of form 720.

Eligibility for filing is vested for those who,

  • Collect Air Tax
  • Pay Air Tax

Where to File Instructions?

The sales tax and excise tax are both regularized by the taxation authorities in the United States of America. The excise tax is regularized by the Department of Treasury in the United States of America. To find the instructions regarding how to file the tax and what legit requirements are entailed by the IRS. All the details are showcased on the IRS’s official website. As per the officially declared instructions by the IRS, there is a designated process to file the excise tax on the mentioned goods and services.

If a filer is filing the tax to declare ineligibility against the mentioned goods and services under form 720, mention zero in Part I of form 720.

If the filer is declaring the excise tax, including none in Part II of Form 720. In both these parts, it is mandatory to mention the underlying intent for filing the return under form 720.

Part III of form 720 deals with the other aspects associated with the Excise Tax under the Department of Treasury of the United States of America.

When to File the Tax Return?

There are four quarters for filing the tax returns as per the 2021 instructions updated under form 720. These four quarters are basically the four different time frames for filing the excise for the year 2021. Here is the detailed description of all four quarters for filing form 720 in 2021.

1ST Quarter

First-quarter is underlined for January, February and March. The filing date for the tax returns for the first quarter of 2021 is April 31, 2021.

2nd Quarter

April, May, and June are the underlined months for the second quarter of the year 2021. The filing date for the second quarter of the year 2021 is July 31, 2021.

3rd Quarter

July, August, and September are the underlined months for the third quarter of 2021 for filing the tax returns on Form 720. The eventual date for filing the excise tax is October 31, 2021.

4th Quarter

October, November, and December are the underlined months for the fourth quarter of the year 2021. The final date for filing Form 720 and tax returns is January 31, 2022.

The entire manifestation of form 720 and filing the tax returns are based on these four quarters along the way. If the filer isn’t eligible for filing the tax returns in the first quarter of the year 2021, the rest of the quarters aren’t entitled to be filed by the filer.

Only the PCOR forms are entitled to be filled in that category. Aside from that, if a filer is served the notice for extending its tax returns, the filer is supposed to update the information on form 720. The same goes for a refund under Form 720.

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